Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Countertop Strawberry Ice "Cream"

Strawberry "Ice Cream" in the Vitamix and on the counter.
Looking through all the beautiful food blogs and gluten free recipe sites reminds me of the time my friend, who was a professional photographer, spoke to a group of mothers about how to take great photos.  One mom said, "I have to take hundreds of pictures before I get a great shot."  My friend told her, "Me too, but I'm a professional.  Do you know what that means?  That means I only have to show you the good pictures I've taken.  I don't show the bad pictures to you.  That's what makes me a professional." 
Well, I guess I'm not a pro at blogging yet, because I'd like you to see the reality of cooking.  Gluten free or not, cooking can be messy and outcomes imperfect. 

It made a decent pizza crust.

What was supposed to be a gluten free french baguette!?!
It's time to try that gluten free recipe that looks delicious.

What's the worst that is going to happen?  Maybe you'll have to throw out something made from expensive gluten free flour; but I'll bet it's still cheaper than a tenuous meal at any restaurant.

Go fearlessly into your kitchens and let me know who comes out alive!

Countertop Strawberry 'Ice Cream'

6-8 large strawberries (frozen may actually work best)
1 frozen banana, cut in pieces
1/2 can coconut milk
1-2 cups of ice as necessary to make thick

Place berries, banana and about 1 cup of ice in a blender.  Add 1/4 cup of coconut milk and beging blending.  Add ice and/or coconut milk until mixture is blended and becomes too thick to pour.  Transfer to a container (this is where the mess happened) and place in freezer to harden.

Serve with fresh mint, sliced strawberries, chocolate syrup or any other topping you like!



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