Saturday, May 12, 2012

Look at ME! I'm Trendy!!

It's taken me years but I'm finally 'trendy'!  I've tried so many times to be 'hot'.

I wore Shirley Temple dresses with bells sewn in the petticoats when other kids had Garanimals.  It didn't take off.

I had some of the first round framed, over sized Photo Sensitive glasses.  I just knew everyone who made fun of them was jealous!

I wore a 12 pound body cast for the first nine months of my high school career.  Not a single classmate tried to copy that fashion statement.

Even as adult I was sure my macrame shoes and unique dance moves would become all the rage.

Years of trying and I've never, ever, not once, been cutting edge or 'trendy'. 

But here it is!!!! My backstage pass is an auto immune disease that permeates every fiber of my daily life and makes me anxious everytime I need to eat!  Who knew?!!?

Did you see the girl on the left roll her eyes when she was talking about Celiac Disease?  She's SOO jealous!  I bet she wishes she had to examine every. single. morsel. that goes into her mouth!

Did you see the girl on the right nod her head, shake her hair and sarcastically say Celiac Disease is 'hot'?  She's SOO envious that she doesn't have debilitating fatigue that robbed her of fourteen years of living a full life. 

They both wish that western medicine treated them like they were crazy.  Who doesn't love attention from the bad boys?

They're just green with envy that we're 'hot' and they're not! 

But alas, fads are fleeting and our time in the spotlight will be short lived.  After trying to play 'gluten free for the weekend' and realizing the enormous amount of dedication it takes to live uncontaminated, the fakers will drop by the wayside.  Or they'll invent a magic pill that will be promoted as making it an easier proposition.  So let's enjoy the limelight while we can.  We Celiacs are the real deal. 

In the years to come when the posers tell us, "I tried going gluten free once... back in the twenty-teens, " we can smile...

...because we will still be walking the walk.  We didn't choose to be trendy.  We just are.

1 comment:

  1. We are finally the Hot and Trendy girls!! whoohoo?

    yeah, my blue cat's eye glasses in 5th grade started me on my road to trendy, followed by a b cup bra when I was only 11, a Farrah Fawcett hairdo in college, followed by a disastrous perm because (for some reason my hair was getting thin...hmmm?) and the "cool scars" I have from a breast biopsy, an early hysterectomy and 2 shoulder surgeries.
    That gaunt, skeletal look, and the yellow- tinted skin I sported just before DX--where I look like I am 80 years old?--now THAT was truly chic.

    Imagine my delight when the G dude called me the trendiest person alive--meaning my life was shot to hell from celiac.

    Yes, we are the real deal, sistah!
